

Live Missing Persons

live airscent

NASDA provides both area search dogs and trailing search dogs for missing person searches where the missing person has a good probability of being found alive. Area dogs can work 40-100 acres, using the current wind to their advantage. They do not require a scent article but can use one. There needs to be only a few or no other searchers in the area.

Trailing dogs are worked on-leash and can locate a person by following that persons 'trail', or where that person walked. Trailing dogs are best deployed within the first 12 hours, with some care taken to keep extra contamination from overpowering the original trail. Trailing dogs do need a scent article and a Point Last Seen (PLS).


Human Remains Detection (HRD) or "Cadaver Dogs" - Land

HRD land

Human Remains or Cadaver searches are typically related to law enforcement investigations or long unresolved missing persons cases. Our dogs are taught to find and perform a trained final response on the appropriate odor. They can be used in wilderness areas, semi urban, urban, inside buildings, and cooled fire scenes.


Human Remains Detection (HRD) or "Cadaver Dogs" - Water/Drowning

HRD water

Our dogs are also trained to locate the odor of a drowning victim where that odor breaks through the water. Water HRD dogs work from a boat and can help narrow down a search area for dragging or diving operations.

